Yes, Ideas Sound Cool In Your Head. Implementing Them Though…

Evelyn Mezquita @elpoderdeser
The Excitement Movement
5 min readMay 19, 2017


The concept in Chronicle #1 was “Start before you’re ready.


Now, for Chronicle #2 it goes something along the line of:

“Great, we got started the Chronicles… Now WHAT’S NEXT?!”

And not because of lack of material to share. Oh no! Quite the contrary!!!

Actually, it’s hard to choose what to write about from so many challenging, exciting, and also uncomfortable experiences we’re going through. So much raw material to squeeze the juice out of and valuable themes to discuss!

We want to keep it relatable, and valuable for you to extract the maximum benefit from our stories.

Our intentions:

• So you can be inspired and empowered to follow your own excitement.

• So that you might avoid some mistakes when it comes to acting on your excitement (by seeing the bruise on our skin first, not yours).

• So that you benefit from our realizations and even our hacks.

• So that you connect with your own inspiration to set your projects in motion.

We’ll do our best to be on point, and stay away from the «Dear Diary» style.

Nevertheless, we feel there’s a level of personal detail that might be of great service and we’re willing to expose it.

Here are a few subjects we consider of value to expand on in our upcoming Chronicles:

  • What we’re resisting, in the context of multiple projects that are currently consuming a lot of time and energy from us. And what we’re doing with that.
  • The imperative relevance of living by resonance and identifying our moment-by-moment excitement, in the context of the choices we’re making.
  • Our realization about how the concerns we’ve been having regarding money, are really a facade to the core beliefs underlying our true fears (and which are those fears).
  • Our decision-making process as we face multiple choices to make our Nomads journey a reality. Some are kind of annoying logistic details —donate to Good Will or the local shelter?— others are more sensitive, like: “What’s best for Soul and Spirit (our cats): staying in San Diego or traveling with us?” (Just thinking about it makes our heart stop!
  • Our processes and practices. Our tools to plan, stay organized, track progress, and stay connected and in-sync (while working on our projects, not forgetting to get avocados at the grocery store, and doing laundry so everyone has clean socks and underwear)
Meetings… meetings… and more meetings…
  • Our renewed awareness about The Excitement Movement being at the core of the vision of what we want to build and share with the world, while Nomads is an expression of how we’re living our excitement… in movement.
  • How we’re navigating the fact that to prioritize and stay focused is tricky when excitement is all over the place.
  • How Eric is the one doing better with his daily commitments, while developing his new unschooling mindset. The lies and myths about puberty. How we’re doign our best to be conscious parents, while mentoring Eric on themes as owning the vision, being proactive, and not quitting too soon and justifying with simple excuses (among many others)
  • On a light note: we started to watch Friends from episode 1… again (I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen the 238 episodes) ❤
  • Some great blogpost we’ve read this week, and the value we’ve extracted from them: “The Best Advice Ever To A Teenage Daughter Who Needs To Make Money” by James Altucher; “The First 3 Hours of Your Day Can Dictate How Your Life Turns Out”, by Srinivas Rao.
  • The challenges behind getting used to record every-single-little-thing to have footage for later use in our upcoming vlogs. From logistics and overcoming technical perfection, to silly matters as “Do I look good?” (yes, that last one is only mine).
  • We’ve got our video equipment (yay!) Now it’s about using it!! And how we might be operating under the trap of conditioning our start.
  • My personal challenge with time and focus (I get distracted sooooo very easily, and make a terrible use of time.)

Want an example of my terrible use of time?

We announced we’d be publishing every Monday and Thursday, right?

Well, today is Thursday, and guess which time it is now while I write this?


It seems without realizing it I have Chronicle #2 ready!

Now that I think about it, we gave you a backstage tour.

By getting to know some of our thoughts and challenges while preparing to become digital nomads, as we build a worldwide movement (the image of Pinky and the Brain came to my mind just now), you might get a better idea about how «following your excitement» is not a hippie-new-agey concept, but one full of insights, perspectives, depth, intention, emotions and action.

So far, we have no idea how this Chronicles will continue to go about.

Some might be long. Others short. The focus might sometimes be on the actionable side of the adventure, others on the non-physical explorations.

Please let yourself be surprised, and feel part of this journey. Because you are.

As we move along, let us know your questions, suggestions, and ideas. We’ll do our best to answer and integrate them.

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