Waiting… Waiting… Waiting… Oh C’mon START Already!

Evelyn Mezquita @elpoderdeser
The Excitement Movement
4 min readMay 14, 2017


We had to do it. So here you have the starting point: Chronicle #1

After a long period of incubation, 36 days ago we finally decided to do it — as in seriously decided .

This could be one of the most life changing decisions we’ve ever made.

But truth be told, 36 days have passed and we are not moving in accordance to the epic transcendence of our resolution.


Hmm, I’m not sure.

I can make a list of reasonable reasons why we haven’t move and advance more. But honestly, I could also refute them one by one.

Don’t get me wrong:

We’ve taken actions, had meetings and brainstorm sessions, done research, created mind maps, spoken with people, changed some habits and included new ones….

And it’s still not enough!!!

We have so many ideas and plans we want to bring to life to live this adventure! (We’ll tell you the name and concept in a moment).

Out of our standards, we want to “make it great.” But you know what happens when you get picky about something being “great,” right?

Many times you don’t even get it started as “good,” out of aiming to “either great or nothing.”

We don’t have the “best” equipment for vlogging. We’re still unclear on the branding, the timeline, the logo, and the concept for the first video. Basically, we don’t have it all figured it out yet, blah blah blah.

But… life-changing projects require life-changing inner and outer actions, beliefs, and paradigms.

So yesterday, the three of us decided not to wait any longer to make our commitment public and official.

Leo, Eric and me. Oh, and out cat, Soul. Can you spot him? Spirit the Diva—his sister—doesn’t want pics.

Have you ever heard of «The Rule of Commitment»?

The rule of commitment is a type of social norm that is often used by marketers and salespeople to get consumers to make purchases. According to this norm, we typically feel obligated to follow through with something after we have made a public commitment.

Hence — to support us in following through — here’s our public announcement:

As for September 2017, we are quitting life as we know it and becoming digital nomads. Along with that goes unschooling our 14yo son and documenting the whole process (before and during) to inspire, share, assist, and serve others.

And this is our public commitment, effective immediately:

Every Monday and Thursday we’ll be publishing a new update post with the whole enchilada, both the (so-called) «spiritual» and the «human»: the truths, secrets, how-tos, fears, mindset, resistances, discoveries, logistics details, insights, personal bullshit. You name it.

Even though in our case it’ll be framed in the context of leaving behind what you could say a “normal life” and becoming a digital nomad, we’re sure you will be able to extract a lot of value to use in your life, whichever your situation is at the moment.

This is the current path our excitement is point us to and pulling us towards. It’s what has becoming obviously relevant for us to experience.

Your path might be different. You might not be at this moment into the nomadic lifestyle, neither looking forward to it.

But your excitement is there nonetheless — as buried as it might be at times — pointing towards your next move in the journey of expressing, living, and enjoying your truth.

Whatever that is for you, it’s our intention that in the sharing of our specific journey, you find inspiration, insights, strategies, and tips to enrich yours.

So… we said it! We made it public!

And now, we’re officially committed (Gulp!):-O ;-)

Take into account: If you want to be notified when we update this journal, simply follow this Publication (click the link, then click the “Follow” button).

Feel free to ask us any questions, comments, and send us your recommendations. We’ll do our best to answer!

If you find our adventure exciting, please Recommend (by clicking the heart icon down below at the end of this post) ❤ Guess what? We’re open to stalkers ;-) so follow us on our social media, subscribe to our (so far virginal) YouTube Channel :-D and to our color-full and content-full website TheExcitementMovement.com so you can follow our journey.

