I don’t want what I want. I want what I need

Leo Alcala
The Excitement Movement
2 min readJan 11, 2018


We all can say we want many things.

Simple things like more leisure time. Desires like more peace of mind. Milestones like achieving a particular amount of business revenue. Objects like a Tesla Model X. Enriching experiences like traveling around the world.

Give me a couple of minutes I can can make a list of a bunch of wants.

But what I truly want is not what I want. Is what I need.

What I need to expand my consciousness.

What I need to evolve.

What I need to live my calling.

What I need to get to know myself.

What I need to be in alignment with the agenda of my Soul.

What I need to extract the juice out of the themes I’ve chosen as a Soul to explore and enjoy in this lifetime.

My ego mind has wants. Ideas about what would be better to have, better to experience.

But above that level of consciousness, there I am, as a Soul, intending to evolve, explore, and enjoy, as I expand into more of my True Self.

Our minds are so limited. They can only see so far. At this level of consciousness, and in the context of the unique evolutionary path set by our Souls, our mind has no clue about what’s best neither relevant.

This means that our wants might or not be a match to our true higher needs.

I rather, then, surrender my wants to my needs. To what’s truly relevant to the fulfillment of my life’s purpose.

Because what I truly need, is what my Soul – not my ego – is wanting.

What if you too decide that what you most want, is what you truly need?



Devoted practitioner of the art of excitement-centered living | Co-founder of The Excitement Movement | http://theexcitementmovement.com | @excitementmov