I don’t take it personally. But it’s all about me

Leo Alcala
The Excitement Movement
3 min readJan 12, 2018


What the other does. What she or he says. What they get to think.

None of that is my business.

They behave and express themselves in the way they do, from who they are. Their judgements reveal their beliefs and the current state of their consciousness.

So I don’t take it personally (though sometimes I do).

But I do my best to take it reflectively.

By “taking it reflectively” I mean that I choose to see more of myself in the mirror they present to me.

A reflective surface of sorts, in which I can get to know more of what’s in my own consciousness. More of my beliefs, my perspectives, my feelings, my choices.

More of my darkness, and my light.

When the behavior of another triggers something in me, I do my best to not go into victim mode. I don’t need to defend myself. I don’t need to feel at the effect.

Though sometimes I do.

What I do need – for the sake of my evolution, expansion, freedom, and self-empowerment – is to see myself.

Standing in front of the mirror that the other and the circumstances surrounding our exchange are, I have an opportunity to see more of myself.

Is what she’s saying stirring my emotions?

What am I feeling?


What goes in my mind?

What am I believing about this situation, that gets me to feel the way I’m feeling?

What resonates? What do I prefer? Why?

That’s my real business – the one of using whatever I bump into to bring more light and lightness into how I get to know and experience myself.

Not in an analytically cold and relentlessly inquisitive way. But in a curious, loving, intuitive, lucid way.

The other person – either through their judgements or their praises, their support or their antagonism, their presence or their absence – is in my awareness always serving as a mirror on which I can get to see more of myself.

That goes not only for people. Also for circumstances in general.

Whatever is going on, whatever you get to be aware of in the “outside” world, can be used to see more of your “inner” world.

What’s in front of you, tangibly or mentally, becomes a tool to see more of you.

In directing your inquiry towards yourself, you get to see more of what’s not really you. You get to bring some of your shadow – both the negative as well as the positive – to the light of your awareness.

It’s in knowing thyself that you evolve.

Life is about knowing more of the True you, the Higher you, that’s desiring to be revealed. We’re here for this: to know more of who we truly are.

The more we do get to know ourselves, the more we can align to our truth.

The way to accelerate this evolution, is not to take things personally – you’re not your personality, anyway.

But make it about You. Take it reflectively. See more of yourself in it. Get to know what’s yours to release, what’s yours to embrace, what’s yours to learn.

And what’s yours to love and own.



Devoted practitioner of the art of excitement-centered living | Co-founder of The Excitement Movement | http://theexcitementmovement.com | @excitementmov