Changing our «identity story» in the context of future social change

Leo Alcala
The Excitement Movement
2 min readJan 9, 2018


The predictions of the nearby future are clear: among other exciting changes, more and more jobs will get replaced by computers, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and robotics.

And things are getting demonetized. What 30 years ago would cost you a million dollars, today you carry on your smart phone… for free.

These and other trends will keep gaining exponential momentum. The world of 10 years from now will be radically different than today’s.

As I was viewing Peter Diamandi’s talk on this, he made a comment that I found very relevant. This is my take on it: we got more or less covered the technology part of these revolutionary changes; the main challenge is on how we as a society are going to handle the psychological ramifications of all this change.

In other words, our main challenge is not in figuring out the technology of the future, but in evolving our consciousness.

Peter mentioned how we’re so used to answer questions like “Who are you?” and. “What do you do?” with references to our work. We have attached our personal identities to our work, careers, and jobs.

But how will we answer those questions when those jobs are no longer there? When the concept of work shifts even more significantly than how it has in the last decade? How will we address ourselves when our lives stop being centered around work?

For some, this might seem scary. “Who will I be if what I’ve used to define who I am, what’s my daily life’s epicenter, and the value I bring, is no longer there?

Well, for starters, we’ll still be who we have always been: a conscious being.

And in the changing playground, other games will come to the forefront. For one, the game of living your true excitement.

When the need to earn a living gets to no longer be an issue to the majority of the population of our civilization, the “earn” dynamic will be replaced by the “express” one.

It will be about expressing a living, in the unique way we get to do it based off what’s most exciting to us.

The question won’t be anymore “what do you do for a living?”, but “what do you do for an exciting life?

As we posted on The Excitement Movement website:

“We dare to say that our next big challenge as a civilization is not to provide basic abundance to all of humanity —we’re on the path towards meeting that reality.

The Next BIG Thing is in creating a world that fosters, enables and supports individual alignment, expansion and self-actualization for all 7+ billion of us, as we all embrace our diversity and learn to evolve in creative coexistence.”

We don’t need to fear technology taking over our life’s meaning. What we need to do, as a culture, is to build meaning and identities around something else.

Your willingness to ethically and responsibly act on what’s truly exciting to you, holds the key.



Devoted practitioner of the art of excitement-centered living | Co-founder of The Excitement Movement | | @excitementmov