A theme for living this year more deliberately and effectively: Building

Leo Alcala
The Excitement Movement
2 min readJan 5, 2018


I’ve been receiving an invitation from my imagination to play more deliberately with “reality creation” and “intentional manifestation” this year.

Last year, 2017, I experience my days and weeks in a more “as it comes I’ll see” mode. A sort of passive mode in regards to outcomes and milestones.

Now I’m calling myself to bring a different energy into how I get navigate the days and weeks ahead.

I’m then in the process of experimenting with different symbols and tools as to support myself in this process.

One of those is fine tuning my Core Desire Feelings, using Danielle LaPorte’s method, as it’s magnificently taught by my #soulpartner #bestfriend #magicmaker #deliciouswife and #desiremapfacilitator, Evelyn. (I might write about my experience with the Desire Map in another post.)

Another tool is setting a theme for the year. A sort of fundamental quality, focus, or dynamic, to give a general direction and intention to the times ahead.

In exploring what could the most relevant theme for Evelyn and I to embrace, we have connected with this idea: building.

As in building new service-driven communities and businesses that grow, thrive, and evolve over time.

As in building new foundations and structures to support our expansion and the unfoldment of our visions.

As in building the creative rituals and rhythms that will drive sustainable growth.

As in building the meaningful, resonant, and thriving lifestyle we’re excited to live.

What would be your theme?

If you were to use a theme —described in a word or two — as an awareness and energy-focusing tool to enhance the lucidity with which you get to live your weeks and months ahead, which would it be?

As a side note, just a few hours ago I read a great post from Teal Swan on her Forecast for 2018. It was a great surprise to find that Teal is sensing that this year’s main theme, at the collective level, is building as well.

She put it in a clear and powerful way that resonated deeply in me. Paraphrasing her:

This year’s energy is about building the foundations and structures that are coherent with your life’s calling.

It’s not about rebuilding. But about building new things. Things that open the space and lay the foundation for new things to arise and grow as expressions of your Soul’s calling.

I’m all in for this.

What about you?

Let’s build new realities. Those in coherence with our Truth.



Devoted practitioner of the art of excitement-centered living | Co-founder of The Excitement Movement | http://theexcitementmovement.com | @excitementmov